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SEGA Mixer Drive

DONNIE Mixer Drive - An Explanation

It's time to come clean with my contribution to yesterday's big DONNIEFest...

So, as you had noticed, RadioSEGA's big April Fool's Day joke yesterday was for SSF1991's takeover of the site.  Obviously he's not the head-honcho now, so it's time I elaborated on everything that happened yesterday.

Prior to the start of Season 4, I had a glance at the 2016 calendar and noticed that April Fool's Day would fall on a Friday this year.  One of the first things I asked permission for was to do something completely different and said outright that I would play nothing but PlayStation remixes that day, in which that got KC's approval.  With one idea in place, all that remained was time to pass.

Then with less than a week remaining, KC then approached me with RadioSEGA's big gag for this year - the whole RadioDONNIE stint.  Initially we didn't know if other Sega community websites would catch on, but it would surely mean something if the Twitter trends completely exploded and the meme rode high completely!

That didn't change my direction for the PlayStation show one bit - in fact, it actually helped a lot more with the buildup!  Had it not been with the gag, I would've struggled to come up with a reasoning as to why I'd break away from the Sega norm in the first place, but I am so glad it not only worked but 99% of the people that responded took the joke on and had a load of fun.  I humbly thank you for being a very, VERY incredible audience!

So naturally, aside from the music, all the news stints turned out to be fake.  There are however a few exceptions: OverClocked University's new album is still due for release, my remastered Jak II symphonic medley is actually a thing, and in spite of the silly gag tracks, the second part of OC Remix's Final Fantasy V arrange series will see a formal release later this month.

As the April Fools excitement dies down, I will now take the time to mention next week's theme.  It's a Regular Show, so anything will go as long as Sega published / developed the game the remix arranged.  If there's anything you'd like to hear then, give me a knock in one of five different ways: my Twitter (include the hashtag #SEGAMixerDrive), a Private Message on the RadioSEGA Message Boards, a query on the IRC, an email at bev [dot] wooff [at] gmail [dot] com, or sending a post to SMD's Facebook Page.

Again, thank you all very much for making April 1st a fun day all around, and a huge thanks to SSF1991 for taking it like a humble sport all the way through!

'But Rexy, what happened to that weird Donnie guy?'  His influence is no more on SEGA Mixer Drive - coming live every Friday night at 9PM GMT / 4PM EDT / 1PM PDT / 10PM CET on RadioSEGA!

2nd April, 2016 - 23:43 GMT Rexy Article viewed 1362 times 0 Comments


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