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Pick n' Mix

Dissecting Sonic 3's Prototype Soundtrack

Let's have an in-depth look at the new information and tracks we discovered this last weekend.

This week we're choosing to go a bit more focused than usual, and I guess you could say a bit more topical considering everyone else is talking about it too. You probably saw that a new Sonic 3 prototype released last Saturday has been blowing up all over social media for various reasons, but over the week I've had various people coming to me to ask if I've heard the music, with the answer to that one being yes. In fact, I've heard a hell of a lot of it, and I'll be passing my knowledge onto you.

This week will all be about comparing those extra juicy prototype tracks with their PC "originals" and also their Sonic 3 Complete reimaginings. And when I say originals, I do mean originals, because there's more than 1 PC soundtrack that we can be looking at. Hold onto your horses people, because you'll hear some tracks on constant repeat but you'll get to listen to the differences and how they evolved over time, going in date order of when you would've first heard them.

With that in mind, here's this week's Picks:
Sonic 3 Complete (Released in 2009)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [November 3rd 1993 Prototype] (Released in 2019)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [PC - MIDI] (Released in 1997)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [PC - FM] (Released in 1997)

We've also got plenty of segments on the cards for the night! Here's what's coming up:

Code Breakers

A new type of game show for RadioSEGA, revolving around your conundrum skills rather than your knowledge. The rules could completely flip on their head, so for now you're looking to solve 3 anagrams of song titles from the games featured. You've been doing pretty good so far, but we'll see if you can keep up with this week's conundrums!

King of Requesters

The King of Requesters - which is still being influenced at the time of this post - will be focusing on this week so far's top requester to our Top 40 Request Chart on this very site. If you want to take part with a chance of being the King or Queen for the week, you've got some serious work to do before this coming Friday!

Catch us LiVE when we get into the ultimate original soundtrack comparison this Friday at 7PM GMT, 8PM CET, 2PM EST or 11AM PST!

20th November, 2019 - 20:10 GMT GreenViper8 Article viewed 880 times 0 Comments


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