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'Race For Good' Charity Stream Speeds By For Second Spindash

Two community members team up once more to face off for "gotta go fast" bragging rights and to help insprire gamers in need.

For the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise’s 28th year, two community members will once again go head-to-head in rounds of blue hedgehog running and boosting and parkouring to help for a great cause. Current host of “The Tally-Ho Show” on Twitch and RadioSEGA LiVE alumni TheBritishAndy and fellow Twitch streamer of “ProjectPheonixProductionsTitansCreed will present their “Race For Good 2: Aventure Battle DX” dual charity stream June 22nd-23rd starting from 8am BST/9am CEST/3am EDT/12am PDT on both dates. All proceeds of donations will be sent towards SpecialEffect for their efforts. Featured Sonic games for the event include Sonic Adventure & 2 Battle and Sonic Generations for the Saturday set while Sonic Lost World, Sonic Mania Plus, and Sonic Forces will be for Sunday’s set. Andy spoke more on the charity stream with these words:

Last year we wanted to plan a little competition to see who was the fastest at completing a certain amount of Sonic The Hedgehog games and we also wanted to do this for a good cause as well, we went with SpecialEffect as they are an amazing organisation that help people with disabilities be able to do the things that we enjoy and take for granted, to be able to play video games, use computers and tablet/phone devices. The customised controllers and equipment that they make for people in need is truly fantastic and to be able to see these kids & adults faces with full of joy being able to finally use their own computer or be able to play a game or use a tablet for the first time without any issues brings a smile to our faces, and we want to help them out again by being able to raise more money for their cause to be able to make more great & wonderful things for kids & adults in need.

When we did the first 'Race For Good' last June where we faced each other on the classic Sonic games we had a goal of $500 and by the end of the stream we managed to raise over $600 which was a huge achievement and is something we are so thankful for, for everyone being able to donate, support and shoutout the event. This year we will be playing through some of the modern Sonic games, we will also be setting our goal to $600 and we have some very interesting single & group incentives that you can put us through if you donate to the cause, you might hear us laugh, you might hear us cry in agony...you might even hear us sing! Do we have voices like angels? Well you'll have find out in a couple of weeks time!

Check out the fellows' runs on their Twitch pages come game day via the respective links above. Good luck you two!

8th June, 2019 - 20:53 GMT Twinny Article viewed 2510 times 0 Comments


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