Chickaroo Reviews - Crazy Taxi (PS2)

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Chickaroo Reviews - Crazy Taxi (PS2)

Post by chickaroo1 »

An awesome arcade game now ported to console? Count me in! Let's get crazy!!
Game: Crazy Taxi
Systems: Arcades, DreamCast, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Windows, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, Cloud (OnLive), iOS, Android
Release Dates: Arcades: 1999 (NA)
DC: 1/24/00 (NA), 1/27/00 (JP), 2/25/00 (EU)
PS2: 5/14/01 (NA), 6/1/01 (EU), 11/22/01 (JP)
GC: 11/18/01 (NA), 5/3/02 (EU), 5/30/02 (JP)
Win: 6/28/02 (EU), 9/26/02 (JP), 9/30/02 (NA), 3/4/11 (World Wide)
PSN: 11/16/10 (NA), 11/17/10 (EU), 11/24/10 (JP)
XBLA: 11/24/10 (World Wide)
iOS: 10/10/12 (World Wide)
Android: 7/10/13 (World Wide)
Developers: Hitmaker
Gotta Make Some Ca$h!
Gameplay: So the name of the game basically is deliver people to their destination and make some cash at crazy speed. In the console version, there are many different modes you can do. But I’ll explain the main gameplay.
So you have a total of 4 different taxi drivers to play as: Gena, Axel, B.D. Joe and Gus. You pick a character and off you go into a busy city. The main objective is to pick up people around town and take them to their destination as fast as possible. And you can be as reckless as you want while driving kind of. If you’re too rough while driving, the passenger might yell at you about it. Be fast, but also try not to bump into much. Also being slow to their destination will make you lose time and money. Oh yeah, you’re also timed. Every passenger has a time limit depending on how far their destination is. Doing well in dropping them off ads on time. You basically keep playing until you run out of time. After that you get scored and the game is over. And that’s basically it. It’s a very easy game. Anyone can play.
Now in the console version, there are different things you can do to keep you entertained. There’s various little missions you can do, such as popping balloons before time runs out and other things. You can also play the main game with different time limits.
It’s a very fun game. Anyone can pick it up and play.
Much Boxy Bodies
Graphics: Oh my goodness was this the late 90's / early 2000's. The character models are pretty blocky. And the graphics for the PS2 port don’t really improve much from the Dreamcast port. But eh, the environments look nice.
Rock it Like It’s 1999
Music: What’s a racing game without it’s punk rock music? Well this game has a pretty good soundtrack. With a few awesome tracks by The Offspring and Bad Religion, this game has a punk soundtrack that’s till memorable to this day.
How Great of a Taxi Driver Are You?
Overall: Crazy Taxi is a great game It’s easy and fun to play. Anyone can pick up and play. And it’s great entertainment for hours. And it still holds up very well to this day.
4 / 5
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